all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 3AA 5 4 51.877651 -0.414484
LU1 3AG 33 5 51.875588 -0.415501
LU1 3AJ 28 8 51.874645 -0.416895
LU1 3UY 26 0 51.874086 -0.416145
LU1 3AL 8 4 51.873688 -0.417278
LU1 3AN 19 6 51.875459 -0.414591
LU1 3AQ 1 1 51.875552 -0.415483
LU1 3AR 24 0 51.875898 -0.415152
LU1 3AT 10 0 51.875656 -0.415189
LU1 3BA 1 1 51.866038 -0.408091
LU1 3BE 26 9 51.877136 -0.412929
LU1 3BJ 29 0 51.875365 -0.410972
LU1 3BP 1 1 51.876222 -0.410477
LU1 3BS 10 9 51.875927 -0.40995
LU1 3BU 40 0 51.875086 -0.410314
LU1 3BX 24 0 51.873934 -0.410863
LU1 3BZ 20 1 51.873899 -0.411634
LU1 3DJ 14 0 51.875253 -0.408681
LU1 3DL 10 0 51.875076 -0.409559
LU1 3DP 34 0 51.873421 -0.40953